"Mississippi Delta Community College receives largest single scholarship donation in the history of the college. The generosity of the anonymous donor is greatly appreciated to support students of the Delta region. @MDCC"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Bennie G. Thompson:
"This hearing will be streamed live on YouTube and the official website. I have provided a link to view the hearing. homeland.house.gov/activities/hea"Read on Twitter
"For more information, please contact Ashley Beale in my Greenville District Office, at 662-335-9003."Read on Twitter
"The Virtual Art Competition will be held on April 22, 2022. If your school is interested in participating in the 2022 Virtual Art Competition, please submit the name of the school, phone number, and e-mail address of the contact person to ashley.beale@mail.house.gov. (1/2)"Read on Twitter