The publication is reproduced in full below:
speech of
of mississippi
in the house of representatives
Monday, April 19, 2021
Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, I include in the Record an exchange of letters between the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Budget on H.R. 396, the ``Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act''.
House of Representatives,
Committee on the Budget,
Washington, DC, April 7, 2021.Hon. Bennie G. Thompson,Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security,House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
Dear Chairman Thompson: I write to confirm our mutual understanding regarding H.R. 396, the Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act. H.R. 396 contains provisions that fall within the rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on the Budget. However, the committee agrees to waive formal consideration of the bill.
The Committee on the Budget takes this action with the mutual understanding that we do not waive any jurisdiction over the subject matter contained in this or similar legislation, and the committee will be appropriately consulted and involved as the bill or similar legislation moves forward so that we may address any remaining issues within our jurisdiction. The committee also reserves the right to seek appointment to any House-Senate conference convened on this legislation or similar legislation and requests your support if such a request is made.
Finally, I would appreciate your response to this letter confirming this understanding, and I ask that a copy of our exchange of letters on this matter be included in the Congressional Record during floor consideration of the bill. I look forward to continuing to work with you as this measure moves through the legislative process.
John Yarmuth,Chairman.
House of Representatives,
Committee on Homeland Security,
Washington, DC, April 9, 2021.Hon. John Yarmuth,Chairman, Committee on the Budget,House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
Dear Chairman Yarmuth: Thank you for your letter regarding H.R. 396, the ``Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act.'' I recognize that the Committee on the Budget has a jurisdictional interest in H.R. 396, and appreciate your effort to allow this bill to be considered on the House floor.
I concur with you that forgoing action on the bill does not in any way prejudice the Committee on the Budget with respect to its jurisdictional prerogatives on this bill or similar legislation in the future, and I would support your effort to seek appointment of an appropriate number of conferees to any House-Senate conference involving this legislation.
I will include our letters on H.R. 396 in the Congressional Record during floor consideration of this bill. I look forward to working with you on this legislation and other matters of great importance to this nation.
Bennie G. Thompson,Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security.
SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 71
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